
Registered Users

If you have not registered to use eReports’ website, you must not attempt to access any part of the eReports Pty Ltd (eReports) website reserved for registered users using their unique username and password. Services made available in those sections are not open to you unless you are a registered user.

Security of Captured Data

When capturing customer data, it is passed to the secure eReports server, located in a secure 24/7 data centre, using encryption technology to ensure that your information is protected when being sent over the Internet. Additionally, all stored customer information is protected from unauthorised access through the use of a secure username and password and other security procedures.

Signs of our secure service

There are two ways to easily confirm the security of the eReports website:

  1. Ensure you are using a webpage that utilises Secure Socket Layers (SSL) protection. You can check this by confirming that the address in your browser window starts with “https” and not “http”, which is an unsecured address. 
  2. A padlock symbol will appear in the left hand of the browser window to confirm that the connection is secure. This symbol indicates that additional measures have been implemented to ensure the security of data and confidential information.

All data is stored in a secure database and is only used in the provision of the requested service. De-identified statistical data is used internally to provide reporting on traffic patterns within our website. This statistical data is only accessible by authorised individuals for the purpose of producing internal reporting. No personal data is supplied to any third parties.

Browsers and the eReports website

The eReports website has been designed for use with MS Internet Explorer. Most of the site will work with many common website browsers however you may experience problems with formatting and functionality on the site if you are accessing the site with an alternative browser.


When you visit eReports’ website, your browser will store a small message called a cookie, which is sent by our web server. This cookie retains information about your login for the session you are logged into. It does not enable your browser to communicate with our web server on subsequent visits to the website. We do not make use of cookies to store or record personal information.